Candidates for Unit 207 Board
2019-2021 Term

PAT BERRY writes: I was raised and educated in Austin. I married, moved to Los Angeles, had two children and a lifetime of experiences. Ten years ago, I moved back to Austin. The first thing I did was to find out if Austin had a bridge community - - boy, did it ever.
I never thought I would ever become a life master, but before long I caught the bridge bug in this highly competitive yet encouraging environment. I've made wonderful new friends, taken lots of classes, played lots of bridge and realized that I, too, am part of a great bridge community. I became a mentor, chaired the Mentor Program for three years, served as Partnership Chair for several tournaments (even constructed a Partnership Board for posting partnership requests), obtained my Teacher Certification from the ACBL and (miracle of miracles) earned my silver life master.
It would be a privilege and an honor to serve on Unit 207’s Board of Directors, a board that works so hard to keep this great game of bridge growing in Austin.


EARNESTINE BROYLES writes: I am a native Texan, born in Plainview, TX - way down south. Grew up in the small town of Henrietta. I am now enjoying Austin and playing bridge. My current interest is in developing better skills in bridge. However, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I, too, love to earn masterpoints. The most heart warming side of bridge is meeting fantastic people who become friends.
Bridge enthusiasts work to improve their skills, improve our club, and invite new members to enlarge the "Bridge World.” I am pleased and privileged to be considered for a position to serve and enhance bridge through the Unit Board.


MICKEY GOLDWATER writes: I am a native Austinite, and I learned to play bridge with my parents, when they couldn't find a fourth. At UT we played bridge until the wee hours of the morning. Upon graduation, my girlfriend from Dallas and I hit the road playing duplicate and going to the tournaments across the country. That was in the days of the Dallas Aces! What an experience.
However, my bridge ended for the 30-year marriage that began in 1977. Three kids and 7 grandchildren later, I started playing again in 2010. The game had changed, and I had lost the ability to become a life master with just 300 points. I had stopped with 298! Finally made life master in 2018.
I would be proud to serve on the Unit Board. I have the time, and I will work to promote a friendly atmosphere for everyone, and I'm looking forward to lending a hand with all the hard work and time that goes into our tournaments. I'm rolling up my sleeves! So vote for Mickey Goldwater.


SHARON HOGER writes: I’m a longtime Unit 207 member. I began playing duplicate in 1989 at the “Old Bridge Studio.” I got active early, serving on the Unit Board in the 90’s and most recently on the BCA board, serving as treasurer. In between, I’ve handled the prize desk at the Regional for over 20 years, and acted as “flyer gal” - - creating many of the flyers you see posted at the BCA and online.

I have always believed that if you love something you have to give back. I retired from AMD in 2018, and I’m ready to give back to Austin Bridge.


STAN PUSHKARSKY writes: I have played bridge my entire life, well as least since I was ten. I have played duplicate since 1980. I took off a little more than a decade in the early 2000's, and came back in 2016. The reason I am running for the board is that now that I'm retired, I can try to give back and try to repay bridge, the bridge community and Unit 207, for all that they have provided me in the last 30 years.


RITA WIEGENSTEIN writes: My passion is encouraging seniors to seek masterpoints, to perhaps become Life Masters, even though earning 500 points with 50 gold is difficult, but not impossible. As an ACBL director and Audrey Grant certified teacher, I have watched my students reach exciting levels of achievement; we celebrate their progress with award ceremonies each quarter here in Sun City. Two other classes I have developed are “Beginning Duplicate Mechanics”, (turning social players into duplicate players) and “Convention Card” which presents the Bridge Bulletin series of articles to partnerships eager to find common ground and gain confidence in their partnership agreements. With experience in smaller bridge clubs, I would like to represent the smaller Unit 207 Clubs and work on growing/ exciting their membership.