10.5 Tables
2.29 1 1 1 Kevin Orr - Ann Denton 59.35%
1.72 2 2 Dana Sun - Peter Naimoli 58.46%
1.29 3 Simone Scumpia - J Patrick Finnigan 57.61%
0.98 4 3 2 Sandra Kingslien - Mary Jaggers 54.95%
0.84 5 4 Lucretia Dennis Small - Phyllis Jordan 53.83%
0.60 6 David Goodwin - Rose Goodwin 52.76%
0.55 5 Cynthia Rivet - W Kenneth Davis 52.08%
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10.5 Tables
2.41 1 Loren Nyer - Genie Nyer 61.32%
1.81 2 Ken Hanson - Curt Wyman 58.89%
1.66 3 1 1 Sheldon Markowitz - James 'Jim'
Lindsey 55.52%
1.02 4 David Goodwin - Rose Goodwin 55.28%
1.25 5 2 Maureen Barry - Joseph Barry 54.51%
0.60 6 Robert Babb - Laurie Hartline-Babb 54.05%
0.93 3 2 Karen Oberling - Suzanne Miller 53.67%
0.70 4 Dana Sun - Peter Naimoli 52.68%
0.68 5 3 Linda Gaston - Charlene Coor 51.60%
0.56 4 Kevin Orr - Ann Denton 50.59%
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6.5 Tables
1.95 1 1 W Kenneth Davis - Ann Roe 63.37%
1.46 2 Simone Scumpia - J Patrick Finnigan 60.00%
1.17 3 2 Nancy Schiller - Sue Breeding 59.72%
0.82 4 Ken Hanson - Ronald Kunkel 56.54%
0.88 5 3 Preston Olivent - Carolyn Olivent 56.18%
1.19 4 1 Sue Carter - Betty Williamson 49.18%
0.89 2 John Foley - Bob Sanders 47.91%
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