BCA Strat Open Pairs, Friday Morn, April 30, 2010 RESULTS OF BOARD 1 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 510 3.50 3.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 3-Tillery-Cook 510 3.50 3.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 5-Black-Hutchison 510 3.50 3.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 7-Sachar-Clark 510 3.50 3.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 510 3.50 3.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 2-Laier-McKee 450 6.93 0.07 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 800 0.07 6.93 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 2 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 430 3.50 3.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 3-Tillery-Cook 50 6.93 0.07 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 5-Black-Hutchison 430 3.50 3.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 7-Sachar-Clark 460 0.64 6.36 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 460 0.64 6.36 6-Cadden-Harris vs 2-Laier-McKee 420 5.79 1.21 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 430 3.50 3.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 3 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 2.93 4.07 2-Bigler-Powell vs 3-Tillery-Cook 140 5.79 1.21 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 5-Black-Hutchison 110 0.07 6.93 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 7-Sachar-Clark 100 2.93 4.07 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 200 6.93 0.07 6-Cadden-Harris vs 2-Laier-McKee 100 2.93 4.07 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 100 2.93 4.07 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 4 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 500 5.50 1.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 500 5.50 1.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 1430 1.50 5.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 1430 1.50 5.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 1430 1.50 5.50 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 3-Tillery-Cook 500 5.50 1.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 5-Black-Hutchison ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 5 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 1430 6.17 0.83 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 680 2.17 4.83 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 1100 4.17 2.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 1430 6.17 0.83 6-Cadden-Harris vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 650 0.17 6.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 3-Tillery-Cook 680 2.17 4.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 5-Black-Hutchison ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 6 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 620 2.17 4.83 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 620 2.17 4.83 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 620 2.17 4.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 100 6.17 0.83 6-Cadden-Harris vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 100 6.17 0.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 3-Tillery-Cook 620 2.17 4.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 5-Black-Hutchison ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 7 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 4.17 2.83 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 110 6.83 0.17 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 5-Black-Hutchison 100 4.17 2.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 7-Sachar-Clark 620 0.17 6.83 6-Cadden-Harris vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 100 4.17 2.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 2-Laier-McKee 140 1.50 5.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 4-Emerson-Emmert ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 8 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 110 5.50 1.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 110 5.50 1.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 5-Black-Hutchison 140 2.17 4.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 7-Sachar-Clark 110 5.50 1.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 140 2.17 4.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 2-Laier-McKee 150 0.17 6.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 4-Emerson-Emmert ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 9 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 480 6.83 0.17 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 450 4.17 2.83 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 5-Black-Hutchison 420 1.50 5.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 7-Sachar-Clark 450 4.17 2.83 6-Cadden-Harris vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 450 4.17 2.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 2-Laier-McKee 50 0.17 6.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 4-Emerson-Emmert ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 10 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 3.50 3.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 110 1.50 5.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 2-Laier-McKee 200 6.17 0.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 100 3.50 3.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 120 0.17 6.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 200 6.17 0.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 3-Tillery-Cook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 11 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 0.17 6.83 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 420 5.50 1.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 2-Laier-McKee 50 2.17 4.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 450 6.83 0.17 6-Cadden-Harris vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 50 2.17 4.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 400 4.17 2.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 3-Tillery-Cook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 12 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 140 4.17 2.83 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 200 1.50 5.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 2-Laier-McKee 140 5.50 1.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 170 2.83 4.17 6-Cadden-Harris vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 420 0.17 6.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 200 6.83 0.17 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 3-Tillery-Cook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 13 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 90 2.83 4.17 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 100 5.50 1.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 100 5.50 1.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 3-Tillery-Cook 100 5.50 1.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 7-Sachar-Clark 120 0.17 6.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 100 1.50 5.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 2-Laier-McKee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 14 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 400 4.83 2.17 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 50 0.83 6.17 2-Bigler-Powell vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 460 6.83 0.17 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 3-Tillery-Cook 100 2.83 4.17 6-Cadden-Harris vs 7-Sachar-Clark 400 4.83 2.17 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 50 0.83 6.17 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 2-Laier-McKee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 15 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 90 2.17 4.83 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 300 6.83 0.17 2-Bigler-Powell vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 110 4.83 2.17 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 3-Tillery-Cook 90 2.17 4.83 6-Cadden-Harris vs 7-Sachar-Clark 120 0.17 6.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 110 4.83 2.17 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 2-Laier-McKee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 16 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 650 1.50 5.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 7-Sachar-Clark 620 4.83 2.17 2-Bigler-Powell vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 650 1.50 5.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 2-Laier-McKee 650 1.50 5.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 620 4.83 2.17 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 100 6.83 0.17 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 17 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 3.50 3.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 7-Sachar-Clark 50 3.50 3.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 50 3.50 3.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 2-Laier-McKee 50 3.50 3.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 100 0.17 6.83 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 130 6.83 0.17 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 18 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 420 0.83 6.17 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 7-Sachar-Clark 100 5.50 1.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 420 0.83 6.17 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 2-Laier-McKee 170 3.50 3.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 170 3.50 3.50 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 50 6.83 0.17 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 19 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 650 1.50 5.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 620 5.50 1.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 650 1.50 5.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 620 5.50 1.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 3-Tillery-Cook 620 5.50 1.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 5-Black-Hutchison 650 1.50 5.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 9-McMinn III-Truair ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 20 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 170 0.17 6.83 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 110 1.50 5.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 100 4.17 2.83 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 710 6.83 0.17 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 3-Tillery-Cook 100 4.17 2.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 5-Black-Hutchison 100 4.17 2.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 9-McMinn III-Truair ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 21 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 420 3.50 3.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 460 1.50 5.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 50 6.17 0.83 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 420 3.50 3.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 3-Tillery-Cook 50 6.17 0.83 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 5-Black-Hutchison 490 0.17 6.83 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 9-McMinn III-Truair ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 22 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 650 2.83 4.17 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 5-Black-Hutchison 650 2.83 4.17 2-Bigler-Powell vs 7-Sachar-Clark 50 6.83 0.17 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 650 2.83 4.17 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 2-Laier-McKee 650 2.83 4.17 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 650 2.83 4.17 6-Cadden-Harris vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 23 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 690 4.83 2.17 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 5-Black-Hutchison 600 0.17 6.83 2-Bigler-Powell vs 7-Sachar-Clark 620 1.50 5.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 1370 6.83 0.17 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 2-Laier-McKee 630 2.83 4.17 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 690 4.83 2.17 6-Cadden-Harris vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 24 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 6.83 0.17 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 5-Black-Hutchison 100 3.50 3.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 7-Sachar-Clark 110 1.50 5.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 150 0.17 6.83 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 2-Laier-McKee 100 3.50 3.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 90 5.50 1.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 25 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 120 2.36 4.64 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 120 2.36 4.64 2-Bigler-Powell vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 120 2.36 4.64 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 180 6.93 0.07 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 120 2.36 4.64 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 3-Tillery-Cook 150 5.79 1.21 6-Cadden-Harris vs 5-Black-Hutchison 120 2.36 4.64 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 7-Sachar-Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 26 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 630 4.07 2.93 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 630 4.07 2.93 2-Bigler-Powell vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 630 4.07 2.93 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 630 4.07 2.93 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 630 4.07 2.93 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 3-Tillery-Cook 630 4.07 2.93 6-Cadden-Harris vs 5-Black-Hutchison 300 0.07 6.93 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 7-Sachar-Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 27 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 5.21 1.79 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 50 5.21 1.79 2-Bigler-Powell vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 120 0.07 6.93 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 100 6.93 0.07 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 90 2.36 4.64 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 3-Tillery-Cook 90 2.36 4.64 6-Cadden-Harris vs 5-Black-Hutchison 90 2.36 4.64 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 7-Sachar-Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 28 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 6.50 0.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 3-Tillery-Cook 140 2.50 4.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 5-Black-Hutchison 140 2.50 4.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 7-Sachar-Clark 140 2.50 4.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 140 2.50 4.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 2-Laier-McKee 50 6.50 0.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 200 0.00 7.00 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 100 5.00 2.00 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 8-Tobias-Blandy ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 29 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 120 2.00 5.00 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 3-Tillery-Cook 100 6.50 0.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 5-Black-Hutchison 110 4.50 2.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 7-Sachar-Clark 140 0.00 7.00 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 100 6.50 0.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 2-Laier-McKee 120 2.00 5.00 6-Cadden-Harris vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 120 2.00 5.00 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 110 4.50 2.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 8-Tobias-Blandy ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 30 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 5.50 1.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 3-Tillery-Cook 50 5.50 1.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 5-Black-Hutchison 50 5.50 1.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 7-Sachar-Clark 90 2.50 4.50 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 9-McMinn III-Truair 50 5.50 1.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 2-Laier-McKee 90 2.50 4.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 120 1.00 6.00 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 280 0.00 7.00 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 8-Tobias-Blandy ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 31 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 620 4.00 3.00 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 2-Laier-McKee 650 7.00 0.00 2-Bigler-Powell vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 620 4.00 3.00 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 620 4.00 3.00 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 600 0.50 6.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 620 4.00 3.00 6-Cadden-Harris vs 3-Tillery-Cook 620 4.00 3.00 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 5-Black-Hutchison 600 0.50 6.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 7-Sachar-Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 32 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 150 4.50 2.50 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 2-Laier-McKee 100 6.50 0.50 2-Bigler-Powell vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 100 6.50 0.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 300 3.00 4.00 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 150 4.50 2.50 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 660 0.50 6.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 3-Tillery-Cook 630 2.00 5.00 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 5-Black-Hutchison 660 0.50 6.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 7-Sachar-Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 33 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 6.00 1.00 1-Kurtzer-Richardson vs 2-Laier-McKee 460 4.00 3.00 2-Bigler-Powell vs 4-Emerson-Emmert 490 1.50 5.50 3-Whitworth-Jungmichel vs 6-Hutchison-Cooper 50 6.00 1.00 4-Snyder-Tobias vs 8-Tobias-Blandy 50 6.00 1.00 5-Bullington-Sherrod vs 1-Ryan-Delfeld 490 1.50 5.50 6-Cadden-Harris vs 3-Tillery-Cook 490 1.50 5.50 7-Thompson-Pennington vs 5-Black-Hutchison 490 1.50 5.50 8-Hewes-Deacy vs 7-Sachar-Clark ----------------------------------------------------------------------