Special Games in Unit 207- August 2018
Click here for normal weekly schedule of games
BCA = Bridge Center of Austin HGR = Heritage Gaines Ranch SAC = Senior Activity Center SASAC = South Austin Senior Activity Center
10:00 San Marcos Charity Game |
No SAC Game Today
No Club Games Today Due to Unit Pairs
1:30 BCA Open & 299er Pairs Unit-Run, Unit-Rated |
1:30 BCA NAP Qualifier & Birthday Bash |
10:00 Wimberley NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-50 Charity Game |
11:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Charity Game |
12:00 SAC Club Championship |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:15 SASAC NAP Qualifier |
7:00 Mesa NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-500 NLM NAP Qualifier |
10:45 HGR Charity Game
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
11:30 Kyle NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open Club Championship |
12:00 Westlake NAP Qualifier |
10:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier |
No SAC Game Today
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:00 SAC NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open Club Championship |
10:30 BCA 0-500 NLM NAP Qualifier |
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:15 SASAC NAP Qualifier |
7:00 Mesa Charity Game |
10:45 HGR NAP Qualifier |
11:30 Kyle Charity Game |
11:30 BCA Open Membership Game
12:00 Westlake NAP Qualifier
12:00 BCA Unit Monthly Lecture |
No 0-50 BCA Game Today Due to 199er Sectional |
1:30 BCA 199er Sectional |
& Regular Open Game |
6:30 BCA Open Stratified Teams Junior Fund Game
1:30 BCA 199er Sectional |
& Regular Open Game |
10:00 Wimberley NAP Qualifier |
11:30 BCA OPEN NAP Qualifier |
12:00 SAC NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-250 Club Championship
11:00 BCA Milestone Luncheon (free lunch) |
11:30 BCA Open Club Championship |
11:30 Kyle Open NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
10:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier |
No SAC Game Today
11:30 BCA Open Charity Game
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
1:30 BCA Board-a-Match TEAMs BCA-Run, Unit-Rated |
No SAC Game Today
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-350 Charity Game |
11:30 BCA Open Charity Game |
11:30 Kyle Club Championship |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
No Westlake Game Today
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle IHOP Wednesday Morning Pairs August 1, 2018
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.80 | 111Ken Hanson - Bob Allen | 58.33%
| 0.56 | 2
| Betty Jo Bettersworth - Alta Peck | 55.95%
| 0.40 | 32
| Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 53.57%
| 0.28 |
| 2Byron Paris - David Davis | 50.00%
| | | | | | | | |
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La Grange Wednesday Afternoon Pairs August 1, 2018
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.20 | 1
| Darlene Gilmore - Carol Helms | 63.00%
| 0.84 | 21
| Patty Reid - Liz McCullough | 58.42%
| 0.60 | 3
| Jim Heathman - James Cauble | 55.75%
| 0.42 | 421Bobby Gilmore - Charles Katz | 53.67%
| 0.28 | 53
| Lee Simon - Steve Jefferson | 52.75%
| 0.17 |
| 2Luc Descours - Don Mendel | 48.42%
| | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs August 3, 2018
4.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.19 | 1
Alta Peck - Betty Jo Bettersworth | 63.19%
| 1.64 | 21
Frank Schwakhofer - Paula Warren | 59.03%
| 1.23 | 321
Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 54.86%
| 0.92 | 432
Mike Fohey - Christine Dailey | 54.17%
| | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Wimberley Monday Morning Pairs August 6, 2018
2.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 1
Mike Fohey - Christine Dailey | 60.00%
| 1.83 | 2
Wilmalee Levosky - Shirley Boswell | 52.50%
| | | |
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SAC Monday Afternoon Pairs August 6, 2018
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 11
Pam Phillips - Ellen Meyer | 62.50%
| 1.43 | 2
Nancy Dean - Barbara Hollahan | 60.00%
| 0.86 |
| 2
Charles Aufill - Danna Redford | 56.25%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SASAC Tuesday Afternoon Pairs August 7, 2018
8.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.38 | 1
Larry Davis - S Van Blarcom | 64.14%
| 2.54 | 2
Liga Byrne - Dianne Ebert | 59.87%
| 2.23 | 311
Robert Penksa - Carol Thibodeaux | 57.57%
| 1.67 | 42
Ken MacMorran - Sharon MacMorran | 53.92%
| 1.25 | 53
Beulah Kelso - Charles Kastner | 52.30%
| 0.94 |
| 4
Kimi Lambert - Julie McKenna | 51.86%
| 0.98 |
| 52
Lee Simon - Luke Descours | 51.79%
| 0.74 |
| 3
Helene Norris - Amanda Gruen | 49.92%
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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SAC Tuesday Evening Pairs August 7, 2018
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 1
Terri O'Brien - Scott Humphrey | 62.50%
| 1.83 | 21
Donna Lantz - Ronald Lantz | 53.75%
| 1.28 |
| 2
Barbara Vervenne - Wynnell Noelke | 51.25%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Gaines Ranch Wednesday Morning Pairs August 8, 2018
7.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.19 | 11
Bob Allen - Julie McKenna | 66.67%
| 2.39 | 22
Ella Windisman - Wynnell Noelke | 64.29%
| 1.79 | 33
Sanae Zaveloff - Patricia Berry | 60.71%
| 1.35 | 441
Helene Norris - Amanda Gruen | 56.35%
| 1.01 | 5
Marilyn Sharratt - Liga Byrne | 54.76%
| 0.92 |
| 2
Margaret McHale - Joan Conroy | 46.83%
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Kyle IHOP Wednesday Morning Pairs August 8, 2018
2.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 1
John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 60.00%
| 1.83 | 2
Osman Ahmed - Harry Ingham | 57.50%
| | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs August 9, 2018
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 11
Bill Tiger - Patsy Walling | 63.04%
| 1.97 | 2
Dianne Ebert - Liga Byrne | 55.79%
| 1.48 | 32
Ellen Meyer - Pam Phillips | 55.56%
| 1.04 |
| 3
Bob Allen - Ken Hanson | 50.46%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs August 10, 2018
6.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.19 | 1
Sylvia Chavkin - Harry Ingham | 60.41%
| 1.84 | 2/41/2
Mary Rita De Hoyos - Barbara Morgan | 56.67%
| 1.84 | 2/4
Alta Peck - Robbie Borchers | 56.67%
| 1.84 | 2/41/2
Phillip Corrigan - Dianne Thise | 56.67%
| 1.01 | 5
Betty Jo Bettersworth - Jim Bettersworth | 55.56%
| 1.11 |
| 3
Frank Schwakhofer - Catherine Mcgaffic | 52.59%
| 0.83 |
| 4
Hazel Medellin - Linda Banks | 50.84%
| | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SAC Monday Afternoon Pairs August 13, 2018
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 1
S Van Blarcom - Sylvia Farris | 69.17%
| 1.97 | 2
Wiley McMinn III - Joe Black | 65.51%
| 1.48 | 3
Larry Davis - Bobbie Gruhlkey | 50.83%
| 1.71 |
| 1
Charles Aufill - Leona Rieger | 48.37%
| 1.28 |
| 2
Julie Valentine - Julie McKenna | 46.29%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SASAC Tuesday Afternoon Pairs August 14, 2018
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.81 | 1
Liga Byrne - Dianne Ebert | 61.84%
| 2.11 | 21
Charles Clarke - Ernest Rebuck | 60.34%
| 1.58 | 32
Anita Cokins - Ellen Meyer | 52.33%
| 1.19 | 43
Bob Allen - Ken Hanson | 51.10%
| 0.83 |
| 4
Marilyn Sharratt - Ken Davis | 50.55%
| | | | | | | | | |
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SAC Tuesday Evening Pairs August 14, 2018
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 11
Juanita Painter - Wanda Kuehler | 68.75%
| 1.43 | 2
Larry S. Davis - Joe Black | 56.25%
| 0.86 |
| 2
Donna Lantz - Ronald Lantz | 50.00%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Gaines Ranch Wednesday Morning Pairs August 15, 2018
6.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.19 | 111
Ken Hanson - Bob Allen | 61.90%
| 2.39 | 222
Beulah Kelso - Helene Norris | 57.22%
| 1.79 | 33
Wynnell Noelke - Ella Windisman | 56.19%
| 1.35 | 44
Wanda Kuehler - Shirley Holland | 55.55%
| 1.01 | 5
Marilyn Sharratt - Liga Byrne | 55.24%
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Kyle CiCis Wednesday Morning Pairs August 15, 2018
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.19 | 1
Vance Mccracken - Robert Patton | 63.43%
| 1.64 | 2
Harry Ingham - Diana Whitfield | 58.80%
| 1.23 | 311
John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 55.09%
| 0.92 | 42
Cathy Supple - Lisa Holzgrafe | 54.17%
| 0.69 |
| 32
Rose Brooks - Bea Eden | 50.46%
| | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs August 16, 2018
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 11
Walker Collins - Don Russell | 58.75%
| 1.60 | 2/32
Bill Tiger - Patsy Walling | 53.75%
| 1.60 | 2/3
Liga Byrne - Marilyn Sharratt | 53.75%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs August 17, 2018
5.0 Tables *****REVISED*****
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.19 | 1
Mary Rita De Hoyos - Robbie Borchers | 61.11%
| 1.44 | 2/311
Mike Fohey - Christine Dailey | 60.65%
| 1.44 | 2/3
Alta Peck - Dorthy Rippstein | 60.65%
| 0.92 | 42
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 60.19%
| 0.76 |
| 32
Linda Garrett - William Davis | 55.09%
| 0.57 |
| 3
Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 52.31%
| | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Wimberley Homestyle Pairs
EVENT>Monday Morning Pairs |Page> 1
------------------------,---------------------,----------------------- ---------
DATE>August 20, 2018 |CLUB NO.>258947 | 08/20/2018 13:32
---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,---------------------
DIR> Harry F Ingham |RATING>Charity Club Championship |GAME>VICTORY POINT
----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
ROUNDS> 3 |BDS/RD> 9 |MP LIMITS>None/500 |CLUB>HIBridge
---------- ----------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
| Master | | Master | | | |Overall Rank|
No Name | Points |Name | Points | Flt| Wins | Score | A B |
-------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------------
1 Charla Mccracken 0.34 Vance Mccracken 0.34 A 1 20.00 . .
Wimberley TX Wimberley TX
2 Shirley Boswell 0.34 Wilmalee Levosky 0.34 B 1 26.00 . .
Canyon Lake TX Wimberley TX
3 Don Russell 1.02 Walker Collins 1.02 A 3 46.00 . .
Austin TX Austin TX
4 Mike Fohey 0.34 Christine Dailey 0.34 B 1 28.00 . .
Wimberley TX Wimberley TZ
TOTALS 6.00 120.00
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SAC Monday Afternoon Pairs August 20, 2018
6.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.00 | 11
Bobbie Gruhlkey - Shirley Holland | 62.58%
| 2.25 | 22
Wiley McMinn III - Ellen Meyer | 59.17%
| 1.69 | 33
Richard Thomas - Charles Kastner | 54.75%
| 1.27 | 44
Barbara Hollahan - Nancy Dean | 52.33%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SASAC Tuesday Morn Pairs August 21, 2018
Section A North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.70 | 1
| Harry Ingham - Osman Ahmed | 63.49%
| 0.49 | 211David Davis - Margaret McHale | 55.95%
| 0.35 | 3
| Pam Phillips - Diana Rogers | 51.98%
| 0.28 |
| 2
| Ken Hanson - Eric De Rouffingac | 50.40%
| Section A East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.70 | 111Carolyn Boldt - Gloria Bennett | 59.13%
| 0.49 | 22
| Mary McCarron - David McCarron | 55.16%
| 0.35 | 3
| Ellen Meyer - Anita Cokins | 54.76%
| 0.28 |
| 2Kelly Villareal - Ed Gurinsky | 51.19%
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs August 22, 2018
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 11
John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 61.46%
| 1.97 | 22
Wilmalee Levosky - Shirley Boswell | 57.29%
| 1.48 | 3
Linda Garrett - Sandy Dayton | 54.17%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Austin Bridge South Thursday Morning Pairs August 23, 2018
Section A
MPs | A | B | Names | Score
0.50 | 11Sandy Worley - Joyce Corwin | 59.38%
| 0.35 | 2
| Fran Devore - Lynn Devore | 56.25%
| | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs August 24, 2018
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.81 | 1
Alta Peck - Dorthy Rippstein | 59.72%
| 2.11 | 2
Mary Rita De Hoyos - Robbie Borchers | 58.33%
| 1.84 | 31
Catherine Mcgaffic - Barbara Morgan | 57.41%
| 1.38 | 42
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 53.24%
| 0.91 |
| 3/4
John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 50.00%
| 0.91 |
| 3/4
Dianne Thise - Phillip Corrigan | 50.00%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SASAC Tuesday Afternoon Pairs August 28, 2018
Section A North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.70 | 111Alton Martin - German Urioste | 66.67%
| 0.49 | 22
| Carolyn Boldt - Gloria Bennett | 56.00%
| 0.35 | 3
| Larry Davis - Bobbie Gruhlkey | 55.50%
| Section A East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.70 | 1
| Ellen Meyer - Anita Cokins | 64.08%
| 0.49 | 211Carol Thibodeaux - Robert Penksa | 53.83%
| 0.35 | 32
| Charles Clarke - Ernest Rebuck | 52.08%
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
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SAC Tuesday Evening Pairs August 28, 2018
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.60 | 11
| Liz Cooper - Linda Griffith | 56.88%
| 0.42 | 22
| Wanda Kuehler - Bobbie Gruhlkey | 52.63%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs August 29, 2018
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 11
David McCarron - Mary McCarron | 60.49%
| 1.53 | 2
Harry Ingham - Diana Whitfield | 56.75%
| 1.15 | 32
Cathy Supple - Lisa Holzgrafe | 53.37%
| 0.69 |
| 3
Luke Descours - Don Mendel | 50.99%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs August 31, 2018
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.30 | 111Helen Pillifant - Annetta Hughson | 64.59%
| 0.91 | 2
| Becky Ellisor - Buddy Ellisor | 59.59%
| 0.65 | 3
| Alta Peck - Dorthy Rippstein | 56.67%
| 0.50 | 4/522John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 55.84%
| 0.36 | 4/5
| Robert Martin - Jon Richard Ware | 55.84%
| 0.36 |
| 3
| Bob Immel - Julie Morris | 53.70%
| 0.25 |
| 4
| Frank Schwakhofer - Catherine Mcgaffic | 50.37%
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Go to Common Game Hand Analysis
Unit 207/ WebMaster is Ken MacMorran, ken.macmorran@sbcglobal.net.
Assistant WebMasters are Mark McAllister, markmc888@gmail.com & Beth Tobias tobias@austin.rr.com.
The email address for the Bridge Center of Austin is bcabridge@gmail.com
Last edited 08/31/18 at 11:30 pm by Ken MacMorran