Special Games in Unit 207- June 2022
Click here for normal weekly schedule of games
BCA = Bridge Center of Austin HGR = Heritage Gaines Ranch SAC = Senior Activity Center SASAC = South Austin Senior Activity Center
10:00 BCAustin BBO Open NAP Qualifier |
11:55 Kyle Club Championship |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
11:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:00 Westlake NAP Qualifier |
10:00 San Marcos Club Championship |
11:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
10:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Club Championship |
10:30 BCA 0-350 Club Championship |
11:00 BCA Open Club Championship |
12:00 SASAC Club Championship |
7:00 Mesa NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-750 Club Championshp |
11:55 Kyle NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open Club Championshp |
11:00 BCA Open Club Championship |
12:00 Westlake Club Championship |
10:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier |
11:00 BCA Open Club Championship |
1:00 BCA 0-150 Club Championship |
10:00 BCA 0-500 NLM Sectional Single Session |
1:30 BCA Open Club Championship |
2:15 BCA 0-500 NLM Sectional Single Session |
1:30 BCA 0-500 NLM Sectional Single Session |
10:00 San Marcos STaC |
10:30 BCA OPEN STaC |
10:30 BCA 0-350 Milestone Luncheon STaC |
11:00 BCA Open Milestone Luncheon STaC |
No SASAC Game Today |
No Mesa Game Tonight |
10:30 BCA 0-750 STaC |
11:55 Kyle STaC |
7:00 BCA Open STaC |
11:00 BCA Open STaC |
No Westlake Game Today |
10:00 San Marcos STaC |
11:00 BCA Open STaC |
City Championship: Can play single session, but must play both sessions to place overall Both sessiona are STaCs |
10:00 BCA Open & 299er City Championship Session 1 |
2:30 BCA Open & 299er City Championship Session 2 |
10:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-350 Alzheimer's Charity |
11:00 BCA Open Alzheimer's Charity |
12:00 SASAC NAP Qualifier |
7:00 Mesa NAP Qualifier |
10:00 BCAustin Open BBO NAP Qualifier |
11:55 Kyle NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
11:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:00 Westlake Club Championship |
10:00 San Marcos Alzheimer's Charity |
11:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
Austin Regional at Holdiay Inn No Club Games |
Austin Regional at Holdiay Inn No Club Games |
Austin Regional at Holdiay Inn No Club Games |
Austin Regional at Holdiay Inn No Club Games |
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 1, 2022
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 1
Grant Coon II - William Davis | 62.12%
| 1.53 | 21
John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 55.15%
| 1.15 | 32
Andrew Brice - Glenda Conley | 53.96%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs June 3, 2022
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.79 | 1/2
Grant Coon II - Jeff Watkins | 52.60%
| 1.79 | 1/21
Mike Fohey - Christine Dailey | 52.60%
| 1.15 | 32
Ann Benton - Kevin Orr | 51.08%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs June 6, 2022
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.81 | 111
John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 60.19%
| 2.11 | 22
Grant Coon II - William Davis | 57.87%
| 1.58 | 33
Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 54.17%
| 1.19 | 442
Gaye Campbell - Polly Landeck | 52.31%
| | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Mesa Tuesday Evening Pairs June 7, 2022
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 11
R Harry Akin - Tom Smith | 59.79%
| 1.34 | 2/3
Larry S. Davis - Elizabeth Ling | 58.78%
| 1.34 | 2/32
Ronald Kunkel - Ken Hanson | 58.78%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 8, 2022
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 11
William Davis - Grant Coon II | 60.94%
| 1.97 | 2
Mike Fohey - Harry Ingham | 55.44%
| 1.48 | 32
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 51.56%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs June 9, 2022
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 11
Amanda Gruen - Linda Bishop | 65.00%
| 1.83 | 22
Robert Penksa - Carol Thibodeaux | 61.25%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs June 10, 2022
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.30 | 1/21/2
Victoria Leland - William Davis | 57.29%
| 2.30 | 1/21/2
Jan Wingate - Scott Anderson | 57.29%
| 1.48 | 3
Andrew Brice - Harry Ingham | 56.25%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs Monday Morn Session June 13, 2022
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.88 | 111John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 60.77%
| 1.32 | 222Mary Jane Caudill - Ramona Schiraldi | 59.15%
| 0.94 | 33
| Grant Coon II - Jeff Watkins | 58.00%
| 0.66 | 44
| Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 51.05%
| | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 15, 2022
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.69 | 11
| Ron Kunkel - Ken Hanson | 61.90%
| 1.18 | 221Andrew Brice - Lois Kertesz | 56.55%
| 0.85 | 33
| William Davis - Grant Coon II | 55.36%
| 0.52 |
| 2John Whittaker - Bama Hill | 52.98%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Friday San Marcos Morning Pairs June 17, 2022
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.50 | 1
| Harry Ingham - Grant Coon II | 71.00%
| 1.05 | 211Ann Benton - Kevin Orr | 53.00%
| 0.59 |
| 2/32/3Bud Bates - Scott Anderson | 49.00%
| 0.59 |
| 2/32/3Mike Fohey - Christine Dailey | 49.00%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs June 20, 2022
5.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.00 | 11
Linda Banks - Hazel Medellin | 64.58%
| 2.25 | 221
Gaye Campbell - Polly Landeck | 60.81%
| 1.69 | 33
Grant Coon II - Jan Pfiffner | 53.81%
| 1.27 | 44
Laura Delfeld - Kevin Orr | 53.65%
| 1.04 |
| 2
Carol Peters - Andrew Brice | 53.13%
| 0.78 |
| 3
William Davis - Wilson Davis | 48.31%
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Mesa Tuesday Evening Pairs June 21, 2022
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 1
Sam Dinkin - Finn Kolesnik | 63.76%
| 1.53 | 21
Phyllis Tate - Shirley Holland | 60.00%
| 1.15 | 32
Wynnell Noelke - Mark Anderson | 57.67%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 22, 2022
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 111
Lois Kertesz - Andrew Brice | 62.50%
| 1.97 | 22
Osman Ahmed - Pat Preziosi | 61.31%
| 1.48 | 33
William Davis - Grant Coon II | 60.12%
| 0.96 |
| 2
Gaye Campbell - Glenda Conley | 49.40%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs June 23, 2022
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Amanda Gruen - Blair Lapwing | 58.75%
| 1.43 | 21
Linda Bishop - Marlene Brandt | 51.25%
| 0.86 |
| 2
Francis Harris - Don Russell | 50.00%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Go to Common Game Hand Analysis
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Austin Regional - No club games
Austin Regional - No club games
Austin Regional - No club games
Austin Regional - No club games
Unit 207 WebMasters are Ken MacMorran, ken.macmorran@gmail.com & Beth Tobias, tobias@austin.rr.com .
Assistant WebMaster is Mark McAllister, markmc888@gmail.com.
The email address for the Bridge Center of Austin is bcabridge@gmail.com
Last edited 6/24/22 at 7:45 AM by Ken MacMorran