Special Games in Unit 207 - May 2023
Click here for normal weekly schedule of games
BCA = Bridge Center of Austin HGR = Heritage Gaines Ranch SAC = Senior Activity Center SASAC = South Austin Senior Activity Center
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Grass Roots Fund
11:00 San Marcos Grass Roots Fund
10:30 BCA 0-1500 Grass Roots Fund
No SASAC Game Today |
7:00 Mesa Grass Roots Fund |
10:30 BCA 0-750 Grass Roots Fund
11:00 BCA Open Grass Roots Fund
11:55 Kyle Grass Roots Fund |
No 7:00 BCA Game Tonight |
Unit Sectional at BCA All Games are Single Session
10:00 Open & 299er Pairs Swiss Teams |
2:30 Open & 299er Pairs Swiss Teams |
Unit Sectional at BCA All Games are Single Session
10:00 Open & 299er Pairs Swiss Teams |
2:30 Open & 299er Pairs Swiss Teams |
Unit Sectional at BCA All Games are Single Session
10:00 Open & 299er Pairs Swiss Teams |
2:30 Open & 299er Pairs Swiss Teams |
10:00 & TBD Stratiflighted AX & BCD Swiss Teams |
10:30 BCA OPEN Royal STaC
11:00 San Marcos Royal STAC
7:00 Mesa Grass Roots Fund |
10:30 BCA 0-750 Royal STaC
No HGR Game Today |
11:00 BCA Open Royal STaC
11:55 Kyle Royal STaC |
7:00 BCA Open Royal STaC
11:00 BCA Open Royal STaC
12:00 Westlake Grass Roots Fund |
11:00 BCA Open Royal STaC
11:00 San Marcos Royal STaC
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Grass Roots Fund
11:00 San Marcos Grass Roots Fund
10:30 BCA 0-1500 Grass Roots Fund
No SASAC Game Today |
No Mesa Game Tonight |
10:30 BCA 0-750 Grass Roots Fund
11:00 BCA Open Grass Roots Fund
No Kyle Game Today |
7:00 BCA Open Grass Roots Fund |
10:30 BCA 0-350 Grass Roots Fund |
11:00 BCA Open Grass Roots Fund |
12:00 Westlake Grass Roots Fund |
11:00 BCA Open Grass Roots Fund
No San Marcos Game Today |
1:00 BCA 0-200 Grass Roots Fund
1:30 BCA Open BCA-Run, Unit-Rated Pairs |
1:30 BCA Open Stratified TEAMS Club Championship |
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Club Championship
11:00 San Marcos Grass Roots Fund
10:30 BCA 0-1500 Club Championship |
7:00 Mesa Grass Roots Fund |
10:30 BCA 0-750 Club Championship
No HGR Game Today |
11:00 BCA Open Club Championship
10:30 HGR Grass Roots Fund |
11:55 Kyle Grass Roots Fund |
7:00 BCA Open Club Championship
No BCA 0-350 Game
11:00 BCA Open Club Championship |
12:00 Westlake Grass Roots Fund |
11:00 BCA Open Club Championship
11:00 San Marcos Grass Roots Fund
1:00 BCA 0-200 Club Championship
10:00 BCA 0-20 Club Championship
1:30 BCA Open Club Championship
10:30 BCA OPEN Grass Roots Fund
11:00 San Marcos Grass Roots Fund
10:30 BCA 0-1500 Grass Roots Fund
12:00 SASAC Grass Roots Fund |
7:00 Mesa Grass Roots Fund |
10:30 BCA 0-750 Grass Roots Fund
11:00 BCA Open Grass Roots Fund
11:55 Kyle Grass Roots Fund |
7:00 BCA Open Grass Roots Fund |
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs May 1, 2023
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 1
Pat Hotaling - Grant Coon II | 61.90%
| 1.53 | 21
Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 54.17%
| 1.15 | 32
Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 50.60%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Go to Travelers
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs May 3, 2023
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 11
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 72.92%
| 1.53 | 22
Jan Pfiffner - Andrew Brice | 58.33%
| 1.15 | 3
Julie McKenna - Pat Hotaling | 55.21%
| | | | | | |
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Unit Sectional at BCA - No Club Games
Unit Sectional at BCA - No Club Games
Unit Sectional at BCA - No Club Games
Unit Sectional at BCA - No Club Games
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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San Marcos Monday Morning STaC May 8, 2023
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.69 | 11
| Grant Coon II - Ken Hanson | 66.07%
| 1.18 | 22
| Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 59.52%
| 0.85 | 331Bea Eden - Gaye Campbell | 52.38%
| 0.48 |
| 2Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 45.24%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Go to Travelers
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs Wednesday Mor Session May 10, 2023
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.59 | 11
| Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 59.38%
| 1.11 | 221Gaye Campbell - Polly Landeck | 55.21%
| 0.80 | 3
| Ken Hanson - Grant Coon II | 53.13%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs May 12, 2023
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.50 | 1
| Harry Ingham - Andrew Brice | 60.00%
| 1.05 | 211Michael Fohey - Christine Dailey | 56.00%
| 0.64 |
| 2
| Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 54.00%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs May 15, 2023
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.19 | 1
Ken Hanson - Grant Coon II | 65.74%
| 1.64 | 2
Harry Ingham - Rose Brooks | 60.19%
| 1.23 | 311
Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 56.94%
| 0.92 | 42
Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 53.24%
| 0.69 |
| 3
Pat Hotaling - Jan Pfiffner | 50.00%
| 0.75 |
| 2
John Whittaker - Cathy Bishop | 48.15%
| | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Go to Recap
Go to Travelers
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs May 18, 2023
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Ellen Meyer - Larry Davis | 67.50%
| 1.25 | 2/31/2
Kelly Villareal - Edward Gurinsky | 48.75%
| 1.25 | 2/31/2
Don Russell - John SAYNE | 48.75%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs May 22, 2023
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 1
Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 58.93%
| 1.34 | 2/3
Robbie Borchers - Jane Lawson | 58.33%
| 1.34 | 2/3
Grant Coon II - William Davis | 58.33%
| 1.06 |
| 1
Phillip Corrigan - Andrew Brice | 54.76%
| 0.80 |
| 2
Jan Wingate - Scott Anderson | 48.21%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Mesa Tuesday Evening Pairs May 23, 2023
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 11
Wendy Marks - Jeff Skillin | 55.00%
| 1.43 | 22
Elizabeth Ling - R Harry Akin | 53.75%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs May 24, 2023
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 1
Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 64.58%
| 1.53 | 21
Andrew Brice - Gaye Campbell | 61.46%
| 1.15 | 3
Grant Coon II - Harry Ingham | 57.29%
| 0.78 |
| 2
Bea Eden - John Burpo | 53.12%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
West Lake Thursday Afternoon Pairs May 25, 2023
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Larry Davis - Robert Donathan | 67.04%
| 1.43 | 21
Edward Gurinsky - Kelly Villareal | 59.10%
| 0.92 |
| 2
Blair Lapwing - Amanda Gruen | 51.50%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Friday Morning Homestyle Pairs
EVENT>Friday Morning Pairs |Page> 1
------------------------,---------------------,----------------------- ---------
DATE>May 26, 2023 |CLUB NO.>258947 | 05/27/2023 21:55
---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,---------------------
DIR> Harry F Ingham |RATING>Grass Roots Fund |GAME>VICTORY POINT
----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
---------- ----------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
| Master | | Master | | | Overall |
No Name | Points |Name | Points | Wins | Score | Rank |
-------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- --------- ------- ---------
1 Pat Hotaling 0.29 Jan Wingate 0.29 1 20.00
Buda TX New Braunfels TX
2 William Davis 0.87 Harry Ingham 0.87 3 60.00
San Marcos TX San Marcos TX
3 Grant Coon II 0.29 Scott Anderson 0.29 1 20.00
San Marcos TX Canyon Lake TX
4 Michael Fohey 0.29 Christine Dailey 0.29 1 20.00
Wimberley TX Wimberley TZ
TOTALS 6.00 120.00
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San MarcosMonday Morning Pairs May 29, 2023
5.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.33 | 11
Grant Coon II - William Davis | 71.35%
| 1.75 | 22
Bob Immel - Osman Ahmed | 57.81%
| 1.31 | 33
Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 52.08%
| 0.98 | 441
Michael Fohey - Mary Cisneros | 51.56%
| 0.64 |
| 2
John Whittaker - Cathy Bishop | 46.30%
| | | | | | | | | | | |
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Go to Common Game Hand Analysis
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Go to Recap
Go to Travelers
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs May 31, 2023
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Osman Ahmed - Robert Immel | 53.00%
| 1.43 | 2
Andrew Brice - Grant Coon II | 52.00%
| | | |
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Unit 207 WebMasters are Ken MacMorran, ken.macmorran@@gmail.com & Beth Tobias tobias@austin.rr.com.
Assistant WebMaster is Mark McAllister, markmc888@gmail.com .
The email address for the Bridge Center of Austin is bcabridge@gmail.com
Last edited 5/29/23, 6:05 pm by Ken MacMorran