Special Games in Unit 207 - July 2024
Click here for normal weekly schedule of games
BCA = Bridge Center of Austin HGR = Heritage Gaines Ranch SAC = Senior Activity Center SASAC = South Austin Senior Activity Center
Austin Regional at Doubletree
10:00 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 1 of all events |
2:30 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 2 of all events |
Austin Regional at Doubletree
10:00 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 1 of all events |
2:30 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 2 of all events |
Austin Regional at Doubletree
10:00 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 1 of all events |
2:30 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 2 of all events |
Austin Regional at Doubletree
10:00 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 1 of all events |
2:30 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 2 of all events |
Austin Regional at Doubletree
10:00 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 1 of all events |
2:30 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 2 of all events |
Austin Regional at Doubletree
10:00 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 1 of all events |
2:30 Open & Gold Rush Pairs Swiss Teams Session 2 of all events |
Austin Regional at Doubletree
10:00 & TBA Bracketed 0-2000 Swiss Teams A/X/Y Swiss Teams
11:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier
No HGR Game Today |
7:00 Mesa NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-2500 NAP Qualfifier
11:55 Kyle NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualfifier
10:30 BCA 0-500 NLM NAP Qualfifier
10:30 BCA Open NAP Qualfifier
12:00 Westlake NAP Qualifier |
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair NAP Qualifier
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier
11:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier
1:30 BCA Open Ice Cream Social BCA-Run, Unit-Rated |
1:30 BCA Larry's Team Game Club Championship |
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair NAP Qualifier
11:00 San Marcos Charity
10:30 BCA 0-2500 NAP Qualifier |
No HGR Game Today |
7:00 Mesa NAP Qualifier
11:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:00 Westlake NAP Qualifier |
11:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Club Championship
11:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier
10:30 BCA 0-1500 Club Championship
7:00 Mesa Club Championship |
10:30 BCA 0-1500 Club Championship
11:55 BCA 0-20 Club Championship
11:55 Kyle NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open Club Championship
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Mesa Tuesday Evening Pairs July 2, 2024
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Susan Kaplan - Al Fortier | 60.00%
| 1.52 | 21
Nancy Joe - Randy Okabo | 58.75%
| 1.14 |
| 2
Thomas Hughes - Linda Griffith | 50.00%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs July 8, 2024
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 1
Harry Ingham - William Davis | 63.69%
| 1.97 | 21
Scott Anderson - Grant Coon II | 61.31%
| 1.48 | 32
Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 57.14%
| 1.04 |
| 3
Andrew Brice - Scott Defoyd | 48.81%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Mesa Tuesday Evening Pairs July 9, 2024
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 1
Linda Griffith - Sandy Potts | 59.21%
| 1.83 | 2
Larry S. Davis - Maureen Davis | 52.63%
| | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs July 10, 2024
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.56 | 1/21
Donald Messer Jr - David Davis | 54.17%
| 2.56 | 1/2
Harry Ingham - William Davis | 54.17%
| 1.64 | 32
Gaye Campbell-Baker - Georgia Bea Eden | 50.60%
| 1.01 |
| 3/4
Dayle Rohe - Angelica Vargas | 50.00%
| 1.01 |
| 3/4
Susie Flynn - Nancy Schiller | 50.00%
| | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs July 11, 2024
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 11
Linda Bishop - Amanda Gruen | 64.67%
| 1.83 | 22
Pamela Strange - Victoria Shaw | 52.71%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs July 15, 2024
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.70 | 111Georgia Bea Eden - Gaye Campbell-Baker | 68.75%
| 0.49 | 2
| William Davis - Harry Ingham | 66.67%
| 0.35 | 32
| Scott Anderson - Grant Coon II | 56.25%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs July 17, 2024
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.50 | 11
| Gaye Campbell-Baker - Georgia Bea Eden | 65.00%
| 0.35 | 2
| Scott Defoyd - Grant Coon II | 57.50%
| 0.22 |
| 2
| Osman Ahmed - Robert Immel | 42.50%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs July 22, 2024
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 11
Michael Fohey - Christine Dailey | 60.42%
| 1.53 | 22
Grant Coon II - Scott Anderson | 59.52%
| 1.15 | 3
Osman Ahmed - William Davis | 54.54%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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Mesa Tuesday Evening Pairs July 23, 2024
2.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Phyllis Tate - Shirley Holland | 84.38%
| 1.43 | 2
Jeff Skillin - Wynnell Noelke | 59.38%
| | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs July 24, 2024
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 1
Robert Immel - Osman Ahmed | 67.71%
| 1.53 | 21
Andrew Brice - Donald Shibley | 57.29%
| 1.15 | 3
Donald Messer Jr - David Davis | 56.25%
| 0.81 |
| 2
Georgia Bea Eden - Gaye Campbell-Baker | 54.17%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs July 25, 2024
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.04 | 11
Robert Penksa - Carol Thibodeaux | 61.71%
| 1.53 | 22
John SAYNE - Don Russell | 58.26%
| 1.15 | 3
Debbie Carver - Ellen Meyer | 56.83%
| 0.75 |
| 3
Blair Lapwing - Amanda Gruen | 53.65%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Monday Morning Pairs July 29, 2024
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 11
Lois Kertesz - Annetta Hughson | 55.95%
| 1.97 | 22
Michael Fohey - Christine Dailey | 55.36%
| 1.30 | 3/4
Ann Denton - Kevin Orr | 53.57%
| 1.30 | 3/4
Gaye Campbell-Baker - Georgia Bea Eden | 53.57%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Mesa Tuesday Evening Pairs July 30, 2024
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 11
Ed Davis - Clara Wood | 72.48%
| 1.97 | 2
Larry S. Davis - Joe Black | 61.40%
| 1.48 | 32
Gerry Urbach - Juanita Painter | 53.44%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs July 31, 2024
4.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.81 | 11
Osman Ahmed - Robert Immel | 60.42%
| 1.85 | 2/32/3
Andrew Brice - Lois Kertesz | 57.64%
| 1.85 | 2/32/3
Rita Wiegenstein - William McIndoo | 57.64%
| 1.19 | 4
Michael Fohey - Grant Coon II | 54.86%
| | | | | | | | |
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Unit 207 WebMasters are Ken MacMorran, ken.macmorran@@gmail.com & Beth Tobias tobias@austin.rr.com.
Assistant WebMaster is Mark McAllister, markmc888@gmail.com .
The email address for the Bridge Center of Austin is bcabridge@gmail.com
Last edited 7/31/24, 5:30 pm by Ken MacMorran