Special Games in Unit 207 - June 2019
Click here for normal weekly schedule of games
BCA = Bridge Center of Austin HGR = Heritage Gaines Ranch SAC = Senior Activity Center SASAC = South Austin Senior Activity Center
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
No SAC Game Today
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-350 UPGRADED Club Championship
11:30 BCA Open UPGRADED Club Championship
12:15 SASAC NAP Qualifier |
10:45 HGR NAP Qualifier |
11:55 Kyle NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:00 Westlake NAP Qualifier |
11:30 San Marcos Price Center 222 W. San Antonio St NAP Qualifier |
No SAC Game Today
11:30 BCA Open Worldwide Bridge Contest |
10:00 BCA NLM Sectional |
1:30 BCA Open Worldwide Bridge Contest |
2:15 BCA NLM Sectional |
1:30 BCA NLM Sectional |
& Regular Open Game |
10:30 BCA 0-100 STaC |
11:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair STaC |
12:00 SAC NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open STaC |
10:30 BCA 0-500 NLM STaC |
11:30 BCA Open STaC |
No SASAC Game Today
7:00 Mesa NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-350 STaC |
11:00 BCA Milestone Luncheon (free lunch) |
11:30 BCA Open STaC |
11:55 Kyle STaC |
7:00 BCA Open STaC |
11:30 BCA Open STaC |
12:00 Westlake Charity Game |
10:00 San Marcos STaC |
No SAC Game Today |
11:30 BCA Open STaC |
10:00 BCA Open & 299er City Championship Unit-Run STaC Single Session |
Free lunch between sessions |
2:00 BCA Open & 299er City Championship Unit-Run STaC Single Session |
1:30 BCA Open STaC & Birthday Bash |
10:30 BCA 0-100 Charity Game |
11:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Charity Game |
12:00 SAC Club Championship |
7:00 BCA Open Charity Game |
10:30 BCA 0-500 NLM Charity Game |
11:30 BCA Open Charity Game |
12:15 SASAC NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-350 Alzheimer's Fund Game |
10:45 HGR NAP Qualifier
11:30 BCA Open Alzheimer's Fund Game |
11:55 Kyle Alzheimer's Fund Game
7:00 BCA Open Alzheimer's Fund Game |
11:30 BCA Open Charity Game
12:00 Westlake ALZ Charity Game
10:00 San Marcos Alzheimer's Fund Game |
10:30 SAC Club Championship
11:30 BCA Open Charity Game |
12:00 BCA Unit Monthly Lecture |
1:00 BCA 0-50 Charity Game |
1:30 BCA Open Charity Game |
6:30 BCA Open Stratified Teams Charity Game |
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
| 24
10:30 BCA 0-100 Club Championship |
11:30 BCA Max 1 LM/Pair Club Championship |
12:00 SAC NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-500 NLM NAP Qualifier |
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
10:30 BCA 0-500 NLM NAP Qualifier |
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
11:55 Kyle NAP Qualifier |
7:00 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
12:00 Westlake NAP Qualifier
10:00 San Marcos NAP Qualifier |
No SAC Game Today |
11:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
1:30 BCA Open NAP Qualifier |
1:30 BCA Open Stratified TEAMs Charity Game
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SASAC Tuesday Afternoon Pairs June 4, 2019
6.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.00 | 111
Carol Thibodeaux - Robert Penksa | 63.39%
| 2.25 | 22
Gloria Bennett - Carolyn Boldt | 57.22%
| 1.69 | 3
Kathryn Bailey - Dianne Ebert | 56.37%
| 1.27 | 43
David Davis - Margaret McHale | 54.38%
| 0.92 |
| 42
J Patrick Finnigan - Ken Davis | 50.19%
| | | | | | | | | | | |
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SAC Tuesday Evening Pairs June 4, 2019
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 11
Wynnell Noelke - Mark Anderson | 57.90%
| 1.83 | 2
Scott Humphrey - Terri O'Brien | 54.38%
| 1.28 |
| 2
R Harry Akin - Tom Smith | 52.63%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Gaines Ranch Wednesday Morning Pairs June 5, 2019
10.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.94 | 11
Sandra Cox - Shirley Holland | 67.99%
| 2.96 | 22
Ken MacMorran - Sharon MacMorran | 66.67%
| 2.22 | 33
Merry Balis - Marlene Golden | 59.60%
| 1.66 | 441
Gul Deneau - Tom Deneau | 58.00%
| 1.25 | 55
Ronald Kunkel - Ken Hanson | 57.32%
| 0.99 | 66
David Davis - Lisa Holzgrafe | 55.22%
| 0.92 |
| 2
Dennis Worley - Sandy Worley | 54.17%
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 5, 2019
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 1
Harry Ingham - John Whittaker | 69.00%
| 1.83 | 21
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 60.00%
| 1.28 |
| 2
Linda Garrett - Polly Landeck | 50.00%
| | | | | |
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Westwood Wednesday Afternoon Pairs June 5, 2019
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.64 | 11
| Dionne Green - Sandra Helton, Austin TX | 59.03%
| 0.45 | 2
| Irene Parker, Austin TX; June Eddingston, Beaumont TX | 54.86%
| 0.27 | 3/42/3
| Doris Warlick - Adrienne Watt, Austin TX | 54.17%
| 0.27 | 3/42/31Gayle McCarron - Sandra Ingram, Austin TX | 54.17%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs June 6, 2019
3.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 11
Ronald Kunkel - Ken Hanson | 67.11%
| 1.97 | 22
David Davis - Kimi Lambert | 57.24%
| 1.48 | 33
June Mengden - Sharon MacMorran | 55.43%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs June 7, 2019
6.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.00 | 1
Harry Ingham - Osman Ahmed | 62.96%
| 2.25 | 211
Mike Fohey - Christine Dailey | 58.52%
| 1.48 | 3/42/32/3
Jan Wingate - Hazel Medellin | 55.19%
| 1.48 | 3/42/32/3
Mary Jane Caudill - Ramona Schiraldi | 55.19%
| 0.73 |
| 4/5
Carolyn Jones - Rose Brooks | 52.59%
| 0.73 |
| 4/5
Phillip Corrigan - Dianne Thise | 52.59%
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SAC Monday Afternoon Pairs June 10, 2019
4.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.63 | 1
Liga Byrne - Dianne Ebert | 61.11%
| 1.97 | 21
Charles Kastner - Richard Thomas | 54.08%
| 1.48 | 32
Amanda Gruen - Helene Norris | 51.60%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
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SAC Tuesday Evening Pairs June 11, 2019
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.69 | 11
| R Harry Akin - Tom Smith | 63.22%
| 1.18 | 22
| Patricia Berry - Blair Lapwing | 51.86%
| 0.85 | 3
| Meg Putman - Mark Anderson | 51.67%
| | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 12, 2019
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.50 | 111Ken Hanson - Ron Kunkel | 66.00%
| 1.05 | 222Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 57.00%
| | | | | | | |
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Westwood Wednesday Afternoon Pairs June 12, 2019
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.64 | 1
| Sandra Helton - Dionne Green, Austin TX | 60.42%
| 0.45 | 2
| Wynnie Noelke - Ella Windisman, Austin TX | 55.56%
| 0.32 | 3
| Irene Parker - Doris Warlick, Austin TX | 54.17%
| 0.40 |
| 11Gayle Hansen - Jenell Askew, Austin TX | 51.39%
| 0.28 |
| 2
| Anita Howard - Jo Ann Thomas, Austin TX | 50.69%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs June 13, 2019
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.59 | 111Debbie Carver - Cindy Walthall | 63.89%
| 0.96 | 2/3
| Dianne Ebert - Liga Byrne | 59.72%
| 0.96 | 2/322Gloria Bennett - Denise Shade | 59.72%
| | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs June 14, 2019
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.06 | 11
| Becky Ellisor - Buddy Ellisor | 63.70%
| 1.44 | 22
| Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 57.78%
| 1.03 | 331Mary Jane Caudill - Ramona Schiraldi | 55.19%
| 0.72 | 442Christine Dailey - Mike Fohey | 54.44%
| 0.42 | 553Linda Banks - Jan Wingate | 52.22%
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SAC Monday Afternoon Pairs June 17, 2019
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Joe Black - Diana Rogers | 56.25%
| 1.43 | 21
Liga Byrne - Dianne Ebert | 55.00%
| 0.86 |
| 2
Nancy Dean - Barbara Hollahan | 50.00%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SASAC Tuesday Afternoon Pairs June 18, 2019
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.81 | 11
Robert Penksa - Carol Thibodeaux | 60.57%
| 2.11 | 22
Charles Clarke - Ernest Rebuck | 60.27%
| 1.58 | 3
Harry Ingham - Osman Ahmed | 57.89%
| 1.19 | 43
Carolyn Boldt - Gloria Bennett | 52.50%
| 0.83 |
| 4
Amanda Gruen - Helene Norris | 50.15%
| | | | | | | | | |
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SAC Tuesday Evening Pairs June 18, 2019
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Joe Black - Larry S. Davis | 62.50%
| 1.43 | 21
Blair Lapwing - Mark Anderson | 61.25%
| 0.86 |
| 2
R Harry Akin - Tom Smith | 50.00%
| | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Gaines Ranch Wednesday Morning Pairs June 19, 2019
9.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.75 | 111
Gul Deneau - Tom Deneau | 63.43%
| 2.81 | 22
Julie McKenna - Bob Allen | 62.50%
| 2.11 | 33
Nell Sanders - Janet Bell | 59.72%
| 1.58 | 4
Diana Rogers - Liga Byrne | 58.47%
| 1.19 | 542
Ken Wolf - Charles Clarke | 57.94%
| 0.94 | 65
Ronald Kunkel - Ken Hanson | 57.26%
| 0.79 |
| 3
Cindy Carver - Cynthia Rivet | 56.41%
| 0.59 |
| 4
Dennis Worley - Sandy Worley | 49.40%
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 19, 2019
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
1.90 | 1
Diana Whitfield - Harry Ingham | 59.00%
| 1.43 | 2
John Whittaker - Melba Ferguson | 54.00%
| | | |
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Westwood Wednesday Morning Pairs June 19, 2019
Section A
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.72 | 1
| Diane Howard - Joan Klitch, Austin TX | 56.35%
| 0.50 | 211Gayle McCarron - Sandra Ingram, Austin TX | 55.56%
| 0.36 | 32
| Sandra Helton - Dionne Green, Austin TX | 52.38%
| 0.25 | 4
| Irene Parker - Immie Pamplin, Austin TX | 51.58%
| 0.22 |
| 2Doris Warlick - Adrienne Watt, Austin TX | 48.42%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs June 20, 2019
5.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.33 | 1
Dianne Ebert - Kathryn Bailey | 62.84%
| 1.75 | 2
Diana Rogers - Liga Byrne | 62.72%
| 1.31 | 31
Blair Lapwing - Amanda Gruen | 60.50%
| 0.98 | 42
Ken Hanson - Ronald Kunkel | 57.15%
| 0.74 |
| 3
Lucy Adcock - Nancy Miller | 52.85%
| 0.55 |
| 4
Nell Sanders - Mr Dean Sanders | 49.28%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs June 21, 2019
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.19 | 11
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 57.87%
| 1.64 | 22
Julie McKenna - Barbara Morgan | 56.94%
| 1.23 | 3
Becky Ellisor - Buddy Ellisor | 56.02%
| 0.92 | 431
Polly Landeck - Bea Eden | 52.31%
| 0.67 |
| 2
Annetta Hughson - Lois Kertesz | 47.22%
| | | | | | | | | | |
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SAC Friday Morning Pairs June 21, 2019
5.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.33 | 1
Anita Cokins - Ellen Meyer | 72.02%
| 1.75 | 2
Lucy Adcock - Sanae Zaveloff | 62.50%
| 1.31 | 31
Margaret Bennett - Karen O'Shea | 56.94%
| 0.98 | 4
David McCarron - Mary McCarron | 55.56%
| 0.84 |
| 2
Marilyn Sharratt - Amanda Gruen | 52.08%
| 1.00 |
| 31
Charles Aufill - Danna Redford | 47.62%
| 0.75 |
| 2
Wynnell Noelke - Donna Johnson | 47.02%
| | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SAC Monday Afternoon Pairs June 24, 2019
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.81 | 1
Joe Black - Diana Rogers | 58.85%
| 2.11 | 21
Ellen Meyer - Wiley McMinn III | 57.29%
| 1.58 | 32
Charles Aufill - Danna Redford | 55.73%
| 1.04 | 4/53
Lucerne Bunch - Marilyn Sharratt | 52.08%
| 1.04 | 4/5
Dianne Ebert - Liga Byrne | 52.08%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
SASAC Tuesday Afternoon Pairs June 25, 2019
Section A North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.80 | 11
| Carol Thibodeaux - Robert Penksa | 69.15%
| 0.56 | 22
| Dwight Silver - Ken Hanson | 54.74%
| 0.40 | 33
| David Davis - Margaret McHale | 53.81%
| 0.24 |
| 1Lee Simon - Luke Descours | 53.27%
| Section A East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
0.80 | 11
| Carolyn Boldt - Gloria Bennett | 60.48%
| 0.56 | 221Alton Martin - German Urioste | 57.83%
| 0.40 | 3
| Ellen Meyer - Anita Cokins | 55.96%
| 0.22 |
| 2J Patrick Finnigan - Ken Davis | 49.13%
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
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SAC Tuesday Evening Pairs June 25, 2019
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 1
Wanda Kuehler - Juanita Painter | 57.50%
| 1.83 | 2
Scott Humphrey - Daniela De Falco | 52.50%
| | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Kyle CiCi's Wednesday Morning Pairs June 26, 2019
3.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
2.44 | 11
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 65.00%
| 1.83 | 22
John Whittaker - Ken Hanson | 57.00%
| | | | | |
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Westwood Friday Afternoon Pairs June 26, 2019
5.0 Tables
MPs | A | B | Names | Score
2.19 | 1
Joan Klitch - Kevin Perkins, Austin TX | 62.51%
| 1.64 | 21
Adrienne Watt - Doris Warlick, Austin TX | 55.63%
| 1.23 | 3
Linda Neuenschwander - Ellen Meyer, Austin TX | 53.38%
| 0.92 | 4
Wynnie Noelke - Ella Windisman, Austin TX | 52.51%
| 0.76 |
| 2
Suzanne Deaderick - Jackie Fiegel, Austin TX | 51.88%
| | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Westlake Thursday Afternoon Pairs June 27, 2019
5.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.00 | 11
Mr Dean Sanders - Nell Sanders | 60.11%
| 2.25 | 2
Dianne Ebert - Liga Byrne | 55.95%
| 1.69 | 32
Walker Collins - Don Russell | 52.39%
| 1.27 | 43
June Mengden - Ellen Meyer | 51.56%
| 0.83 |
| 4
Edward Gurinsky - Kelly Villareal | 50.59%
| | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
San Marcos Friday Morning Pairs June 28, 2019
6.5 Tables
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
3.19 | 11
Osman Ahmed - Bob Immel | 63.70%
| 2.39 | 22
Barbara Morgan - Julie McKenna | 58.75%
| 1.79 | 33
Linda Garrett - John Whittaker | 56.67%
| 1.35 | 44
Jan Wingate - Dianne Thise | 55.84%
| 1.22 | 5
| 1
Michael Fohey - Christina Dailey | 54.81%
| 0.92 |
| 2
Mari Allmond - Mike Stoffel | 53.70%
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
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BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
BCA game results and hand records can be found at www.bridgecenteraustin.com
Unit 207 WebMaster is Ken MacMorran, ken.macmorran@sbcglobal.net.
Assistant WebMasters are Mark McAllister, markmc888@gmail.com & Beth Tobias tobias@austin.rr.com.
The email address for the Bridge Center of Austin is bcabridge@gmail.com
Last edited 6/28/19, 5:00 pm by Ken MacMorran